Thursday, September 18, 2008

Back-to-School Night Recap


The Fullerton District's INFORMATION FOR PARENTS handbook has several forms in the middle (between the two green sheets) that need to be filled out and returned. I believe you need to do ONE PER STUDENT.

Mary B. has typed up a great list of everything you need to be a parent driver--if you think you might even want to do it once, it would be good to get it done now so you can just mail it in instead of having to do the whole "trip to the DMV" thing. There are several copies of things you need. Once you've completed the paperwork, contact Mary B. and let her know whether you are someone who wants to be a regular driver or on the "occasional" driver list.


We were given both:

a) Class Calendar (for Sept.--note picture day on 9/22, first miniclass on 9/26, etc.)--Jane is the contact person for this one, and

b) Parent Work Schedule Calendar (for Sept.)--Alison C. is the contact person.

Check the class roster for errors--be sure to look at addresses/emails under all your kids if you have more than one in the class! (Corrections can be sent to Mary B... see info above)

The packet from the teachers includes a list of parent jobs, and a description of our READING PHILOSOPHY (includes tips on how to help beginning readers), and practice--exposing kids to "holiday," "just rights"--where most of their time should be spent...just a few words per page they don't know--and "challenges," and some ideas on how to maximize those "teachable moments" for math (setting the table, sorting laundry,cooking,etc.) and some fun games.


Thematic Units this year: 

California Coastline

BIGGEST DIFFERENCE THIS YEAR: Formalizing our reading homework. It has always been our policy to read each night anyway...the difference is that the 2nd and 3rd graders will now be asked to keep a record of it. A weekly packet will be sent home for parents to note that their child has done the weekly reading.  It is not necessary to record WHAT the kids have been reading.

Lauren said that she may send home a little math as needed...but anticipates that not to happen too often.

Expectations for parents in the classroom: We are "supports" to each child's education...which means...

a) be an extra pair of hands

b) extra help for individual kids (encourage them to think/produce for you--not just sign off--ask leading questions, don't just give the answer, etc. --using what you know about that student's level as your intuitive guide of course!)

c) What if a student is "off-track"? Ask self-reflective questions like "How do you think you're doing?" "Do you need to make another choice?"--other discipline situations refer to the teachers in order to maintain consistent expectations.--leave it up to them!

Don't forget that P.E. is on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the kids need to be wearing appropriate shoes....


For 1st-3rd graders... usually about 5 weeks in a row on Friday afternoons. You commit to four, planned, forty minute sessions, and then there is a "presentation"/product day on the 5th session.

For kinders... Carol  and Lauren S. are coordinating...probably 1,2,3 sessions around 10 or 11 a.m.--contact one of them if you are interested in teaching a kinder mini-class.

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