Monday, October 20, 2008

Week of 10/20/08

I apologize for an almost three week lapse in updates.  There wasn't too much to fill you in on and then, Boom!, chili dinner, recycling, Dr. Seuss art--it all caught up to me.

So here is the blast of updates.  First the "non-essentials":

Young Masters Art Workship
Make-up Picture Day
Rolling Hills Talent Show
Rolling Hills Walkathon
Reflections Workshop

Okay, these aren't actually non-essentials, but they are all-school announcements.  Flyers came home in the Wednesday folder.  If you have any questions, you can call the school office.  If you can't find your flyer, we might have some spares in the class.  If not, again, you can contact the school office.

Class-specific Announcements

Chili Dinner - 10/22
You will have all received the emails from Val who is coordinating this dinner for us.  It is so much fun.  The kids get to hang out and run around, the food is yummy, and it is an excellent community gathering time for us, in addition to the benefit of raising funds for our class.  The cost is $5 for per family.  A sign up for food/supplies to bring is on the classroom door as well as an envelope to collect money.  If you have any questions, please contact Val.

Recycling - 10/23
The money raised for recycling goes to our garden efforts.  The next pick-up day is this Thursday.  If you have any questions, contact Tamara.

Dr. Suess Art Theme
A bio on Dr. Suess came home with the Wednesday folders with resources on where to find out more about one of the most famous children's authors.  The art lessons for the next few weeks will be centered around Dr. Suess' unique style.

Parent Reading
Due to a change in schedule, parent reading is now three days a week, instead of two.  Please join us on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for this very important reading experience.

Parent Work Schedules
Allison is working on November's schedules.  If you have any special requests or changes in your schedules, please contact Allison as soon as possible.

Mini-class Tie-in
Rupali Vora has provided a list of books on India in connection with her mini-class.  You can find the list in the left sidebar.

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